Texas Alcuin Fellowship Retreat for Educators

Join us at Baylor University this February!

The Pursuit of Wisdom in Classical Education:
Lesson from Socrates and St. Thomas


Classical educators aim to instill the love of wisdom, and wisdom questions arise across the disciplines.  What does it mean to take the love of wisdom, philosophia, not as the domain of a single discipline but as a goal that ranges across the disciplines?  Few schools have the capacity to maintain designated philosophy courses, but most have a wide variety of courses that would be enriched by direct engagement with wisdom questions.  


But what does the pursuit of wisdom across the curriculum look like?  How are we to recognize wisdom questions when we find them?  How can such questions be addressed productively and efficiently?  What does the pursuit of wisdom look like in conversation?  What does it look like on paper?  


This retreat draws on readings from Socrates and St. Thomas to answer these questions.  We will uncover and analyze time-tested patterns–i.e., the Socratic dialectic and Thomistic disputed question–for raising and addressing wisdom questions in any classroom context.  These patterns form the basis of classroom exercises and writing assignments that deepen the formative benefits of a classical education.   Our main leader on this adventure will be Dr. Todd Buras, Chair of the Philosophy Department at Baylor University.


Retreat Details

  • Participants: Teachers and administrators in classical schools in Texas 
  • Max number: Due to limitations of space and seminar dynamics, the number of participants will be capped at 17
  • Duration: Two days in length (from Friday, February 16, at 5 pm through the evening of Saturday, February 17)
  • Location: Waco, Texas, on the campus of Baylor University
  • Cost: $150 (includes three meals; does not include lodging). Space is limited. Register by January 18, 2024.
  • Registration: Educators can register using this link: Register for the Retreat
  • Leadership: Alcuin Fellows from the Texas chapter will be present to lead the retreat and engage others in conversation
  • Presentations: Presentations are paced to allow time for conversation and discussion between sessions
  • Preparation: Participants will receive PDFs of short selections from Plato’s Dialogues and Thomas Aquina’s Summa Theologiae, and others, to read in advance; a group reading of Sophocles’ Antigone is planned for Friday evening.
  • Lodging: Participants must make their own arrangements for accommodation.
  • Fellowship: The retreat includes times of common prayer and fellowship over meals on Friday and Saturday.
  • Questions: Contact Dr. Stephen Barnes at sdbarnesii@gmail.com.